We have been playing games over FaceTime. You have to play the same board game at both houses. The only drawback is you can’t share snacks.
Just talking….
Milo is waiting to go outside but it is raining still. He has tried numerous times but there is water falling from up above. He wants us to make it stop.
The Flu Shot
The flu shot is the flu but it is a small dose of it to build immunity to it. I get it people are afraid of the shot because they will be injected with the flu. How do you build up an immune system to the flu if you don’t get your body used to it? Ok, how many get allergy shots? Yep, allergy shots… let’s talk about them. What are they? Guess what? They are small doses of the allergen you are allergic too! No way! Yes way! They inject you with small samples of the allergen to build up an immunity to it. Your body will learn to recognize the allergen and eventually the allergen won’t kill you. The allergen will become familiar to your body just like in the flu. You say but it is a different strain, well so are allergy shots. Each vial of serum of pollen can be different from your last one. The older we get, the immune system forgets how to protect you, so help you immune system and get your shot.
My son and his wife did not get their shots BUT they made sure The baby got his. Guess what? My son and his wife got the flu 2x last season and yep, the baby DID NOT. It was too bad a 3 year old couldn’t care for his parents. I have not had the flu but I do get colds.
I hope someone reads my blog.
Strawberries 🍓 Everywhere!
Today, Saturday, May 6, 2017, Emerald and I went picked 21lbs of strawberries on Akers of Strawberries in Milton. We have fun picking and chatting. We picked them so Emerald could teach me about (jarring) canning. I don’t think it should be called canning because we did not use a single can! (Just saying) We made 15 jars of strawberry jam and over 2 dozen chocolate covered strawberry 🍓 cookies.
Our day with a basket of strawberries!
Getting ready to be cleaned..
End result jam and cookies.
Bagged up for tomorrow’s batch.
Are you a real Person?
Today is Thursday, April 13, 2017.
Are you a real person? I would like all of my guests to post a “Hi, I am Nancy and I live in Florida.” You would use your name and the state you live in. Just reply to this post.
Thank you.