My allergies changed and were starting to get worse in Jan/Feb 2014. I would suddenly get an instant cold after eating or going outside around certain things. Then I had a pretty bad reaction at Applebee’s with the following foods: potato soup and a Green Wedge Goddess salad. There were no tomatoes, carrots or peanuts. The staff at Applebee’s tried to help to find an ingredient list but couldn’t find anything. After dinner I went online and emailed the cooperate office. They told me that they could not tell me the ingredients because they were afraid it would fall into the competitions hands. I showed this letter to my doctor and he got the ingredient list. (Funny how that works) my doctors office is Allergery Partners on the Panhandle. Dr. Rick did a food allergy test of the foods I ate that night plus a carrots and tomatoes. Well, this is my new and improved food allergy list:
Carrots, peanuts, almonds, pecans, cucumber, red/white potatoes, melons, soy, and sunflower.
Think about all the foods we buy to cook dinner. Could you do it and not use these ingredients or ingredients that contain none of them? Soy is in almost everything.
Welcome to My Blog or My World
My education of food really started when I was diagnosed with food allergies in 1996. I had learned I was allergic to some fruits and vegetables. Who can be allegeric to the healthier food of the human diet? Me. I had to learn to eat other things and not get sick. That was challenging since I was still eating tomatoes which I was told I was not allergic to. We were living in Germany at this time and cooked a lot at home but the labels were written in German. After 6 years, I was still complaining to doctors about mysterious rashes and severe stomach pain. My primary doctor refered to an allergist. He tested me (2002) for 132 items. I was all allergic to about 70 of them. He then tested me based on what I eat and blood work to the most eaten. I was most allergic to carrots, tomatoes, peaches, melons, peanuts, and grapes. I was also Allegic to MANY outdoor trees, grasses and weeds. My days got better and even better but still had the occasional rash or pain. It was during this time frame I decided to learn more about food or stay sick. I learned how to make lots of things that are really easy to do at home. Doctors gave me the title of diabetic but I am currently still trying to change that. I do plan to get off of my meds with Gods help. God chose me for for this challenge so I can help others. He also gives everyone free will. I argue with my free will daily. I am writing this blog to help others and so you all can pray for me and my daily challenges. Pray I stay on task and keep focused on what is important in life. My family and friends.